Directional Fixtures

Aputure XT 26 Bi-Color
Aputure CS15
Aputure Storm 1200X Pro
Rent Aputure 1200
Aputure 1200d Pro Kit
Aputure LS 600c Pro Mk 2 Kit
Aputure 600D Pro (Daylight) for Rent
Aputure LS 600d Pro Kit
Rent the Aputure 600x Pro (Bi-Color)
Aputure LS 600x Pro Kit
Aputure Storm 80c Kit
Fiilex G6 Color Kit
Aputure 300D MKII (Daylight) Rental
Aputure LS 300d MK II Kit
Prolycht Orion 300 FS Kit
Rent the Aputure 300x (Bi-Color) LED
Aputure LS 300x Kit
Aputure LS 60x (Bi-color) for Rent
Aputure LS 60x Kit
Fiilex Q5 Color Rental
Fiilex Q5 Color
Rent the Digital Sputnik DS1 Kit (RGB)
Digital Sputnik DS1 Kit
Rent the Fiilex K305 3 Light (Bi-Color)
Fiilex K305P 3-Light P360 Pro Plus Kit
Mole BabyLED 150W 6 in. Fresnel for Rent
Mole BabyLED 150W 6″ Fresnel