Alone, the lamp will radiate light evenly in all directions (isotropically) and produce a measurement of 204 Lux at 5 meters.
When placed inside a housing and given a reflector, that same lamp will distribute light differently (directional) and will produce a measurement of 60,000 Lux at that same 5' meter distance.
Throw: A smaller beam angle AND a smaller slope angle mean that more of the luminous flux will be efficiently focused with a defined beam edge and the size of that beam spreads out gradually over a far distance. This will provide greater illuminance at far distances.
Punch: A smaller beam angle BUT a larger slope angle mean that there is high illuminance in the center of the beam, also known as a hot spot, but that there is no defined beam edge. The result is light that can illuminate a larger area, but with a very bright center focus region that remains small, producing more uni-directional shadows from a single origin.
Wash: A larger beam angle AND a larger slope angle mean that illuminance is very evenly spread out across a wide area.